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Lots of new fun DIY craft project packages are now online at  Try your hand at making hair clips, bookmarks, or decorate your scrapbooking pages. 

DIY craft felt project package from Designer Marta


New costume on my dot com site:

Latifa - belly dance costume (

218 glass crystals!! - a must-see!


Hi creative persons! 

I have taken the leap and purchased a lace-making machine. It will take about a month for it to be delivered, which is actually great so I have plenty of time to rearrange my workshop to accommodate the rather large, heavy, beastie! I am so excited!


Hi costume lovers!

I am back working on new costume designs after a 10-year hiatus. It feels good to be back browsing through fabrics, sorting beads and drawing new designs. I have opened an Etsy shop and also have an online shop on

Please stop by when you have a chance and check out what's happening!



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